
As a brokerage firm, we take pride of ourselves to have recruited and trained many successful agents. From taking the introductory courses to meeting with the clients, we will guide you every step of the way and strive to help you lay a solid foundation on your exciting career ahead. Your true success is the heart of our business.

If you have a drive to succeed and like to aid people, we can help you to become a thriving financial consultant.< To become licensed as a Life Insurance Agent with the Financial Services Commissions of Ontario (FSCO), the candidate must complete the Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) offered by an accredited course provider. After successfully completing this course, one can then register to write the provincial exam. For both exams, the passing mark is 60%.< Here follows a brief review of the LLQP courses and topics covered:

•  Overview of the Insurance Industry
•  Individual Life Insurance Products
•  Individual Disability and Accident and Sickness (A&S) Products
•  Group Insurance Products
•  The Life Insurance Contract
•  Non-insurance Investment Products
•  Insurance Investment Products
•  Underwriting, Issues, and Claims
•  Taxation
•  Retirement
•  Needs Analysis/Risk Management
•  Legal and Professional Standards

For more information, please feel free to contact us.

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